Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Introduction to indices

Indices in maths:

If m is a positive integer, a x a x a …. m times is written as am. a is called the base & m is the power. They read it as "a raised to the power m". The power is also called "the index" or "the exponent".
They know that 64 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 26
Here 2 is called the base & 6 is called the power (or index or exponent).
They say that "64 is equal to base 2 raised to the power 6".
The Laws of Indices are : 1)Product Law, 2)Quotient Law, 3)Power Law, (ab)m = am . bm.
An irrational root of a positive rational number is called a surd.

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